Mission is a core element of the ministry at Heritage. Throughout the year the Mission Committee provides various ways for us to help those in need in our community, and globally.
On-Going Mission Projects
Fair Trade ProductsFair Trade Products are sold at Heritage. These include coffee, tea, chocolates and olive oil.
Randolph PantryDue to growing food insecurity within our neighborhood, Heritage stocks an emergency pantry for families of Randolph Elementary.
Little Free LibraryHeritage is home to a Little Free Library which can be found by the front entrance on South 35th Street.
Annual Mission Projects
Souper Bowl of CaringFebruary brings a joint effort with the Mission Committee and the DUCs Youth Group as they work together to raise funds for Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Diaper DriveProviding items to mothers in need of a little extra help through the Healthy Families Program is a Mother's Day tradition.
School Supply DriveSchool supplies are collected annually in the summer months for students at Randolph Elementary.
CROP WalkHeld in October, this annual walk to raise funds to end hunger is a Heritage tradition.
Hats & Mittens DriveEvery fall hats and mittens are collected for students in need at Randolph Elementary.
X-mas Family GiftsIn December the Giving Tree will be loaded with ornaments with gift requests from a family (or two) in the community in need of a little Christmas cheer.